Saturday, April 6, 2013

The "Hill" is alive with the sound of music

Querida Familia,

My Branch President told me I could email any friends and had an hour but the computer screen still  says I have 30 minutes so to be safe I will use my alloted 30 minutes. I don't even know where to begin. I thought I loved the MTC last week? Man alive, this place is amazing. Sunday was a dream. I got stuck in line to get into the auditorium for probably about an hour and after standing up I realized that just a couple feet away was good ol' Ry. So I was actually able to really talk to him. By really talk I mean a solid 15 minutes as  people pushed and shoved to inch there way to the front of the line. Mom, I like his Easter tie. You have excellent tastes!! I had twice as much trouble as Cam in finding it though!! I didn't find it until Tuesday ... (It is just hard for me to get to the post office at the times that it is actually open.) During the mission conference over 3,000 missionaries took the sacrament at one time. It was really unique and amazing. I was touched by Bishop Causse's words and have only appreciated Easter more one other time when it landed on April 21st. We had an amazing fireside by Sherri Dew, and then I sat through the "Character of Christ" and have never wanted to change more. Oh goodness, this place is amazing. If it is possible please send me a copy of Elder Bednars talk the Character of Christ. But it was from an MTC fireside so maybe it isn't available....

I was planning on writing Dad a letter this week and all but we don't have much time and this is my one day to complete all the "homework" I promised to do. I need to write a talk for tomorrow as well. So Dad, HAPPY BIRTHDAY THIS WEEK!! You don't look a day over 28! I hope you were able to meet all your goals. I love you with all my heart and if I were sitting at the table during your birthday dinner I would say, "Dad, I love you because of your ability to continually turn outward and focus on others. I admire your priorities and am sincerely touched of how much you sacrifice and your support to your family. It is weird not talking to you everyday all the time. I think I spent more time with you before my mission then anyone else. I love you with all my heart and will make you proud. Oh and thank you for doing the Vanguard stuff I signed the first paper and sent it off to PA.

In order to answer your question on how you should be praying for me. I am not sure. I think my biggest struggle right now is the language, and sleep. Sleep won't be an issue from now on. I just had 3 girls leave my room before 4 am for three days in a row. Consequently I got up around 3:33 three days in a row and wasn't able to sleep after that. And I had to stay up until at least 10:15. Couldn't have done that in high school...But it gave me lots of time to study. I feel that both my ability to speak spanish and english have dramatically decreased.

But to be completely honest I am not that worried. I was really worried about it at one point and started getting up too early to study the language, but I was outside and observed two elders teaching an investigators. Both were awful at spanish and as I watched them struggle my heart went out to them. But as they came to the first vision one young elder recited in very broken spanish the first vision the spirit was so strong and couldn't help but tear up. Even if no one understands me I know this message is true and that the spirit will manifest that to their hearts. After that experience I was reading the introduction of the Libro De Mormon and came across the famous quote about how a man will draw closer to God by abiding by its precepts then any other book. So now when I wake up early I read aloud El Libro de Mormon. I know that the spirit will take over, but I just need to do all I can.

Just like every principle in the gospel when you exercise faith a blessing follows. We were teaching Pedro who is 17 and not extremely interested in the church. As we taught him he seemed so uncaring. You could see it in his eyes. He didn't care about our message. It broke my heart because it means the world to me. There was a pause.... I asked him a question and I took my book of Mormon out of its cover with extreme care and handed it to him and bore powerful testimony that left both him and me crying. I was able to share in perfect spanish my love of the gospel and the feelings of my heart. The church is true!!

I love my zone. They are all great. There is one girl in particular who I just adore. She is trying so hard and can see her faith but is struggling. One day as we were walking her face just lit up as she saw a penny on the ground. She explained how much she loved pennies so later that night my room  gathered all the pennies we could from every other district and we made this awesome penny trail from her room to a random location. It was hilarious. You should have seen her face. Mom, you told me to send pictures but my camara is not working I have a picture of me and Hermana Hutchendorf and will make sure to send a picture of us. I really did try Mom!!! Sorry!!

One of the strongest lessons I learned so far is the importance of members in missionary work. I will definitely do my part when I get home. You better do your part while I am gone....:)

I have been delayed. I find out my reassignment on thursday of next week. Rumors have been flying some say I will leave for Argentina in 2 weeks others say 6 months all I know is that I want to serve. I need to run. Know that everyone here is amazing. JORDAN!! I had the most brilliant idea!! Come work here... You could find a wife in like 3 weeks flat. Just kidding! I will stop being as bad as Mom.. But I agree with Ry, you better be married when I get back!!

Love you all! The church is true!!!

Oh and Happy Birthday Andrew and Jeffrey!!!

Hermana Hill

P.S. WHAT IS THE NEWS WITH MY NIECE !?! Is Abby doing alright? I love you Abby!! I had a dream about you the other night. You were speaking spanish, it was awesome...

P.S.S My companion doesn't stop talking about twistable crayon things. Can you send me a package of the miniture kind. It would make her life. Her family lives really far away and she feels bad asking them
to send them to her.

p.S.s.s. I am at 34. I have seen 34 people that I know in the MTC. Crazy huh? Oh Josh, what room do you work in. Could you take some stuff back home for me?

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