Monday, July 8, 2013

Know This That Every Soul Is Free

Querido familia,
Hannah!! You are having a boy?!? Congrats!! Now you can finally name him A-girl-duh. 
I too am becoming a mama this week! (The term for training a new greenie). I was surprised because in the Denver North Mission they didn't allow Visa waiters to train. So either they are super desperate, or I am awesome. For the sake of personal affirmation we will stick with awesome. I am staying in Longmont which is great. It will be hard to see Sister Seaborn go. We learned a lot together. But I am not going to lie, I am super excited to train. 
This week our mission met President Brown for the first time, and I am so thrilled to be working under his stewardship. I was amazed by his demeanor. His wife is a gem as well. Before my mission I did not fully realize the caliber of people I would have the opportunity of working with. I mean I am at awe at the bishop of my ward, particularly sitting in during PEC, and Ward Counsel. His heart is so big. My zone leaders are top notch. The church truly is defined by its leaders and the better I know the leaders the easier it is to see the truthfulness of this gospel.
It was the first Sunday of the month and Brother P. got up and bore his testimony. I couldn't help but cry. He was semi-inactive 6 weeks ago and dropped off his daughter at the MTC the Wednesday before we arrived. He now holds a temple recommend, and accepted a call to be a ward missionary. His approach is to take people up in his plane and teach them the gospel. And in his own words "and the best part, is they can't get away when their hundreds of feet in the air!" He is telling his daughter this week that he has a temple recommend. I can't even imagine how excited she will be! Too bad she will have to wait to get home to be sealed to him.
I went on exchanges with Sister Loux this week and it was amazing. We were lucky to be in my area.  I have never taught so many lessons in one day. We got out of a lesson about 10 minutes before we were supposed to meet to switch back. So we decided to run and try to contact one of our referrals. We have tried to contact them 3 times and when we knocked on the door a J...... answered the door and we asked if we could set up an appointment. But she said no. I testified of the truth and asked if we could share a message now. She let us in and we one of the most powerful lessons of the Plan of Salvation. The only problem is that Sister Loux doesn't speak Spanish, she is a visa waiter for Brazil. But she said the closing prayer in Portuguese. The spirit was crazy strong. And Sister Loux told me afterward she doesn't care if she goes to Brazil, she just wants to be switched to a Spanish area. 

I am going to end, but this week was full of the spirit. I have never been so specifically led in all my life. I still need some definite fine tuning, but I have an eternity to learn. 
Love you all tons! And keep your prayers coming my way. 

Les quiero muchisimo!!

For Preparation Day we went to the stake center and had a huge nerf dart fight with PVC pipe. It was awesome! Looks like my practicing from using a blow dart gun in Ecuador finally came into use!

 We had a 4th of July awesome lunch thing. 

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