Monday, June 24, 2013

Love is the Motive

Dear Family,
This week was awesome, and a week of change. I actually don't really want to write because this past week we had mission conference, district meeting, a special president zone meeting, an amazing ward counsel where I stood and was rather bold, the world wide missionary training, and to top it off, finally a new ward missionary leader was called and we were able to exchange visions last night. I just want to start.... NOW!!
Like I said this week was a week of change. Turns out the temple is closed all through July so I ended up going to the temple this Friday. I was able to stay in the temple for four hours and found answers I have been seeking for along with enlightenment I needed. The most important being my necessity to have hope. I have loads of faith. I am obedient, and am doing my best. This week I studied each of the commitments I give to investigators and less actives and found the promised blessings from the Lord within the scriptures. I realized that by doing those things I too can receive those promised blessings if I have hope. Hope is the trust that God will fulfill his promised blessing. We here all the time at the end of priesthood blessings. "Sealed upon your faithfulness" If you are full of faith/ trust that the blessings will follow, they will.
At the end of this week I was amazed by the power that came by having hope. When I give my all in the hours of study in the morning I can leave my house with full confidence/trust that spirit will guide all of the lessons throughout the day. I can call upon the blessings of obedience! So powerful!! Man, I love this work!
I have this problem that I think too much... Suprise! Ha! But I always think back on lessons and see where they could have been stronger and beat myself up. But I decided to give that all up and just trust that I was led by the spirit. This was helped when an older lady got up to speak. The previous week was fathers day and me and my companion tried to stop by the older men in the ward, particularly the ones whose health does not allow them to come to church. We just went around and shared a quick message and wished them a happy fathers day. As we went to this particular house I felt guided to a scripture and shared it with a testimony but the lesson went awful, or so I felt. I left the house feeling like I had ruined this precious old mans fathers day. But as his wife spoke this Sunday, she thanked us openly and described the impact it had on their small family. It was a testimony to me that I cannot allow fear or shame interfere with having a perfect faith.
This week was powerful. I look back on my fist area can see definite improvement. Sadly the effects are not nearly as tangible but again I have full faith that there will be positive consequences to my actions.
Lesson I am learning, and should really learn before my companion kills me. I have this problem where I volunteer to do things. But as a companionship she has to do everything I am doing. All of a sudden I realize why the common response growing up was, "Ummm... Go ask Dad" Not wanting to be at blame for your answer. I have progressed to now I turn to my companion and say sorry before I volunteer us to do stuff.  Poor girl... But on the positive side of things, the ward loves us. 

I don't have much time. But I did want to send pictures!! About time... I know!!
1. My watermelon. It was green so I had to give up on my angel Moroni idea....
2. My past companion at mission conference with her new trainee
3. Me and Sister Seaborn

1 comment:

  1. Love to read your posts sister! Keep it up! You are amazing and the Lord is lucky to have you on His side! Much love, Aunt Bonnie
