Monday, June 17, 2013

Faith produces miracles (especially when you get your hands and feet involved)

Dear Family,

My goal is to confine my week within 3 paragraphs. You might think this is impossible due to my previous letters but I am getting better and better at following through with goals. Last week we had an excellent weekly planning but starting from Monday they all went up in flames. We ended being called by several people asking for help and we did just under 30 hours of service this week. About 6 of those hours were very late in to the night as we packed up a family that needed to move the following morning. The following day another crisis came up that took a couple hours and cut heavily into my sleep. Getting up at 6:30 became a fight that I won only by promising myself a long nap on this beautiful P-Day. My family also has a hammock outside that I will most definitely put to use as I catch up about 65 pages in the Book of Mormon today. Doesn't that sound Heavenly?!?! Oh and guess what else I am doing today.... hehehe.... So.... we were given a watermelon this week after service and I already have my design of the Angel Moroni I want to carve into it.... I made room in the fridge last night so it will even be cold.... So I have never actually carved a watermelon so maybe it won't work but in theory it should. And there can't be too bad when there is cold watermelon involved. My companion thinks I am crazy but I think it is a brilliant idea. No worries, pictures will most definitely follow.

Me and my companion spoke in church yesterday!  I think this is hilarious! Cause the first week I bore my testimony because it was fast Sunday and so I can still say that I have spoken in church every other week on my mission. I absolutely love my ward. They are so kind to us and everyone in the ward loves Sister Missionaries. Oh and Happy Fathers Day Dad! I got your pictures of hiking in Machu Picchu. Hope Peru is treating you well!

Well I have one paragraph to go and being at the end it is the most important. This week during all of these ward emergencies I was amazed by the caliber of some of the members I was able to work with. One man in particular. Brother Ma'unga called us the first day we came into our area and asked if he could do anything to help us out. We held him to his promise as an investigator asked for a priesthood blessing. When asking him he also found someone else to come and help but when he noticed she needed help moving he volunteered to help and was with us for about 4 of the 6 hours. The next morning he was there helping again sacrificing his only day off. It was not only his sacrifice of time but his demeanor while serving. 

I am so glad to have families like his working in our ward. This was contrasted by returned missionaries who are no longer active in the church. It just brakes my heart how someone could serve the Lord for 18 or 24 months and yet not teach their children the principals that sacrificed to teach to others. Perhaps they did not dedicate their time on their missions. For how could someone fully consecrate their time and fall away. I don't know... I guess this week was reaffirming what kind of member I want to be when return and the responsibility we have to be an example of Christ in at all times and in all places. This week was a week of reflection and ensuring that I am being changed every day as I give my all as a missionary.

Love you all!
Hna. Hill

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