Monday, December 2, 2013

Solamente Los Facheros Usan Predicar Mi Evangelio

Dear Gang,

Emily, you are in my prayers!! I am praying for a healthy baby, AGirlDuh.... Just kidding but seriously, I am praying for you daily and must have caught on because my companion prays for you too.

HOLD ON!!! What is this I hear about another trip to Peru? I distinctly remember my inspirational speach to you, Dad, about doing the things you have always wanted to do, but I was supposed to be involved with all these plans and adventures. I will start training for Machu Pichu as well. 

Yes, transfers..... I am going to San Rafael. You would think I would be used to leaving places and companions but it breaks my heart everytime. And this is the first time I have had a companion for more than 1 transfer and it is killing me that I will have to say goodbye to her, and this is the first time I have stayed for more than 2 months in an area. I have been here for 4.5 months. I have visited every house on the ward list (a feat). You think that by now it wouldnt be hard to pack up and leave but you just open up your heart so big and give everything your are. You feel the perfect love of God for these people and then at the call of our Zone Leader we pack up everything we have to go to a new place, a new companion, and a new oportunity to love all over again. It is a good thing this church is true or it would be really difficult to comply with what is required but D&C 64:32-34 (my favorite scripture right now) not only gives me to desire to obediently follow and do so with ganas or enthusiasm. Don´t get me wrong I am psyched to go to San Rafael they haven´t had baptisms in a while but I am getting Sister Sorenson and have heard nothing but that she works crazy hard. 

This week I had a couple rough days. I wouldn´t stop throwing up but I knew it was my last week in this area and had so many people I wanted to visit. But after throwing up at an investigators house I decided I really shouldn´t be doing what I was trying to force myself to do. I got a priesthood blessing and Jordan to answer your question about feeling my Mom´s presence during my mission. It was very evident that I was in a trio this week. We found some amazing people this week and 4 times this week people came to me to ask questions when I felt like I had no strength to do anything. Do what we can and the Lord does the rest. I feel bad because I must have passed what I had because Hna. Rodriguez was throwing up all night. 

We didn´t have turkey for Thanksgiving but I cooked a Chicken and we had mashed potatoes and salad and a smoothie (yeah I know that doesn´t happen in the U.S. but I figured the Latinos in my pencion didn´t know the difference....) Even though we only had an hour to cook and eat I passed with flying colors, all three gave me (lista para casarse)! 

Remember who you are and thank you for your prayers.

The gospel is true and life is wonderful!!

Love you all!

Hna. Hill


My folks are going to Peru with medical associates in April. They have invited me to come, this is what Amanda is referring to in her letter.  I am in the process of training to hike Machu Pichu!

Love to all.


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