Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Amanda's Letter

March 17, 2014

Dear Family,

This week was insane! I fell in love with Malargue. It is the furthest city south of the mission. I am so sad I didn´t bring my camera. I haven´t seen a sunset that beautiful in years. I was working with Hna. Jasso who is a new missionary and is super full of fire. Malargue is way small and we had to walk at least 3 kilometres just to get to our first appointment but that evening has been one of the best in my mission. We took the young women's president from the branch who comes from a family of 12 and went from finca to finca (a kind of farm...) and taught family after family. It was a big leap of faith for the Hermana to finally share what she sincerely believed and it was very well received. Her niece from our first visit asked if we were walking and offered us her truck. So she came with us to all of the rest of our visits and by the end of the 5 hours was asking what she needed to do to be baptized. She drove us back to town and she drove out of the way to make sure she knew how to get to the church on Sunday. Oh it was beautiful. I was excited to keep working in Malargue but we got a call that night and ended up traveling back to San Rafael at 1 in the morning. 

Hna. Cooley and I were both exhausted and fell asleep on the 4 hour ride. I remember jerking awake and immediately grabbing my bag and it wasn´t until I was off the bus when I realized how blessed we were that we didn´t keep on sleeping all the way to Mendoza (another 3.5 hours). Who knew the spirit was an alarm clock too!

On Sunday we had 3 investigators that beat us to church and T. ended up making some really good friends. I just love her! She got to the church at 8:20!  This week we taught her the Word of Wisdom and she told us that she coffee wasn´t strong enough to be bad for her. And when on for the next couple minutes about how there is no way God would ask her to give it up. After she finished her rant we asked her to pray in that moment to ask God if that is what He wanted her to do. She started her prayer and immediately said, ¨I know I need to give up coffee, and know that you can give me the strength´´. She hasn´t drunken coffee since. And she is coming with us to visit some menos activos this week. If you can include Familia Millard in your prayers that would be great!

This upcoming week will be really crucial. And we had lots of change in the zone including new sisters! Hna. Hatch is back in my Zone which is so great. Just love her to death! Quite literally.... as she is ending her mission soon. 

Raquel and her family is doing great. The ward is helping her out a ton. She has helped me realize how much I have been blessed with and the sincerity we should all have. Basically, if you can´t tell, I have fallen in love with San Rafael! I love it here! I never want to leave!! 

Love you all! Heidi, I wish you the best luck on your mission! I promise I will write you when I get home!! Until then, you can read the plethora of letters your family will write!!

The gospel is true.
Life is wonderful!

Hna. Hill

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