Monday, July 14, 2014

Assume the Good, Doubt the Bad

Dearest Family!

Stop it!! You guys are going to Bill Cosby live!!! He is still living? just kidding!! That is awesome!! Jealous! I still think I can quote a line or two from most episodes of the 8 seasons of the Cosby Show. Good luck Jordan and Dad in the Spudman! I have no doubt that you will finish with flying colors. Maddy, I love you more than you love me, period you can´t erase!

No one is super happy this morning here in San Luis... I can´t imagine why.... I just hope no one thinks I am from Germany. My goal is to make it home alive... But people still went crazy after the partido. This is the first game that we were asked to stay inside all day. Went to church and that was it. We cooked some awesome food though and had a long time to catch up in my journal. 

I had a first this week. Hna. Goates came out with us. I have had 4 different presidents and this is the first time I have had one of their wives come out with us. She served her mission in columbia and we taught the Colombian family it was amazing. She is super powerful and they came to church this week. They are ready to get baptized but it just takes forever to get people married in this country. Especially if you are not living in the country legally (can´t imagine why...)

Not really sure what else to say. This week was good. We had lots of solid lessons and I went to La Punta for exchanges (a little place in the middle of nowhere where there are probably more dogs then people) and I fell in love. Clean air, open people, mountains, awesome companion, solid plans, and giant dogs. What more do you want?! I will have to send a pic. 

I came to some profound conclusions this week. But pretty difficult to explain them all, but I feel like I better came to understand my Savior. It still amazes me all He has done for all of these people, but more then ever, what he has done for me!

Love you all!

1. Missionary by day.
2. Argentina fan by night.
3.La Punta

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