Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Talk less say more

Dear Family,

This week was super interesting.  I had a really amazing experience on Tuesday night. I ended up sleeping at the presidents home on Tuesday and me and Hna. Lawrence slept where the 70, area authorities, and apsotles stay when they come to our mission. (Yay, I am moving up in the world!) But tuesday night as I knelt by my bed to pray on carpet (a dream!) I pored out all my hopes and dreams I had for Pringles the following month and towards the end I had the coolest thought. I wonder who else has knelt at that same bed and pleaded with the Father for the exact same thing. In that moment I felt so unifyed with purpose or the motivation that ties us all together, the salvation of mankind. We are so lucky to know, and live that truth. 

The new president is excellent. Did you get the email he sent you, dad? He was taking a picture of Hna. Enos, Hna. Lawrence and me when my camera died. He felt bad, it didn´t matter to me but he told me, ¨No, tomorrow you will have consejo and you deserve to have pictures with you and the other Elders and Sisters there.¨ And left with a look of determination in his eyes. About 15 minutes later returned with a charger in hand and the exclamation ´´I found it´´! The true character of a man is not only measured by his boldness when standing for truth, but even more so in  the sincerity and love shown in the little things.  Him and his wife also not only supported us, but helped us pull a prank on the AP´s.... AKA I love them! 

We were only able to work the full day through on Thursday and Friday. But we were blessed to be teaching and not be out finding. We also got some amazing referrals from members this week. This is the first time in my mission that I have gotten confidence from the members so soon. I am super excited to be here!

Yesterday we had a lesson with M. it has been a struggle to find her but even though she is never home on Sundays we felt like we should go and found her yesterday. She let us in and the first thing she said was, ´´Just a sec, let me grab my Book of Mormon´´ She came back and within the last week has read up to 1 Nephi 14 and asked her teacher if she can do a book report on The Book of Mormon instead of the classic they are reading. Super proud of her. We were inviting her to be baptized when her Mom walked in. Her mom is super catholic but among her praises of saints and virgins she answered my question if she has seen a change in her daughter since she started reading the Book of Mormon. She answered yes. And we were in the process of putting fecha on the both when her father got home from work. The third time was the charm. The spirit was strong. And needless to say, The Book of Mormon is true. The parents didn´t accept a baptismal date but they all know it is true. 

Another miracle, a young couple we are teaching decided to get married. It is a long process but are taking the first steps of being an eternal family.

I got whatever Hna. Lawrence got, I am sick enough that I got a blessing but not sick enough to stay inside. Pray for me though, I don´t feel that great and we have a way awesome P-day planned with the sisters from sucre and some less actives and investigators. 

Love you all! Praying for you! 

The gospel is true. Life is wonderful!

Hermana Hill

pics.... LOOK!! I found a jazz coat! And a BOM shirt (quite literally the Bomb!) I also found a wicked awesome night gown  but figured I am already embarrassing myself enough with swag.

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