Monday, July 28, 2014

Amanda's Letter

July 28, 2014

Dearest Family,

I just love you so much! I don´t think there is a luckier person in the world. This week was great. It had its opposition but so does anything that is worthwhile in this world. We had more lessons this week with a member then we have had all transfer. And we had huge support for Mikaela´s baptism. I was extremely happy because more people came to her baptism then the stake activity the following day. 

We had a rather funny moment though. I think I mentioned that I we live in the middle of centro? Well we were walking from out pension to the church through centro centro with 3 plates of brownies and in the 5 blocks to the church 6 people stopped us to talk to us! This is coming from the same five blocks that people try to avert our gaze (like that is going to stop us from talking to them) and reject a good 19 times out of 20. I found it hilarious. I think we will walk around centro with plates of brownies from now on! But who can say no to hot brownies smothered in chocolate and dulce de leche. 

Had my first interview with President Goates. He is such a good guy! Way different from President Avila. It is official. I am coming home the end of September. He denied my plea for an extension. He too showed me my itinerary. It broke my heart, but I have been smart and misleading everyone in the ward that I still have a ton of time left, and if anything knowing when I go makes me even want to work harder. My poor companion. It is a good thing she loves me! 

I studied prayer a lot this week, and put it into practice even more. I feel like there are so many blessing just waiting for us, and just like it says in the english bible dictionary so many of these blessing are conditional on us asking for them. Sometimes it just blows my mind!!! How lucky are we? Can you imagine your life without prayer? I sure can´t and there is nothing more powerful then when you teach someone to open their heart to their Heavenly Father and you find yourself listening to some of the first sincere communication between child and Father. Thank you for the prayers you send in my direction. I really do feel the power of those prayers! I love you all so much!

The gospel is true.
Life is wonderful!

Hermana Hill

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