Monday, August 26, 2013

Dear Family!!

I have another nephew!!! Congratulations Sarah and Corey!! He is beautiful!! 

I should also add a congrats to Jordan, and Mom who graduated, happy birthday to both!! and my condolences that school has started...

This week was freezing (people tell me there is always last storm before spring) I remember laughing at Aunt Marlenes story of wearing every artical of clothing she had when she went to bed. I almost had her beat 4 nights this week. Consequently, there was no one outside at all during the day. And we are talking about the city of Godoy Cruz!! It was rough but it was nice to differentiate between our investigators who truly know the church is true and those who are polite. 

Saturday was cold and we were only let into 2 houses from 10:58am to 9:18pm and one of those houses was our own for lunch.... The other was a Noche de Hogar (FHE) where out of the 12 families we invited 3 came. And when I woke up on Sunday feeling that it was even colder then Saturday my heart dropped thinking of the numbers at church. But quickly repented and prayed in faith. The family we went to pick up couldn´t come and when we arrived at church numbers were few but the M..... family greeted us as we walked into the chapel!!! (the M...... family is a family we have been working with for the past month, the children had been baptized at ages 8 and 12 but the parents had never been baptized. F.... has now done everything he can to work on his divorce so he can now get married to M......) But they have been coming faithfully for the last four weeks. This Sunday their oldest son passed the sacrament for the first time and I was brought to tears as I watched him worthily pass the sacrament to his family. During the sacrament people just kept coming in. A less active family from the Noche de Hogar from yesterday. Hna. L..... came with her two children. All in all there were 4 part member families who came and many less active families who we hadn´t seen in a long time. It was beautiful.

Principios del evangelio was full which I think was rather hilarious because it was the Elders turn to teach but they had to go do baptismal interviews or something, so they turned it over to us. Hna. Adorno told the class I was teaching so I stood up opened the book but as I read the title of chapter 31 I wasn´t entirely sure what ¨Honradez¨ actually meant. I started off the class asking what honradez meant to Hna. Adorno and went from there... But the class went so well! Living proof that God can really work through the ´´the weak things of the Earth´´. 

We have been working a full with the ward missionary plan and trying so hard to work with part member families. I keep on feeling like I need to start preparing these families to enter the temple. I just keep feeling like they are going to announce a temple here in Mendoza. I know they are building one in Cordoba and it doesn´t really make sense..... but I feel like that is what they need to progress further in the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

We had interviews with president this week. He so amazing!! So full of the spirit!

I am so excited for this upcoming week. we have really been trying to work with members and have awesome lessons set up in members home with their friends!! 

Les quiero muchísimo! Tengan un día re linda y trabajo a FULL!!!


Hna. Hill

This cracks me up!! They have handicap spots on their merry-go-rounds. Oh and I cut my hair (don´t worry, I don´t plan on selling my teeth) and everyone tells me I look like Sabrina the Teenage Witch.... I don´t see it.... and for the record I was moving really fast....

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