Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Que Dios les bendiga


That storm looks like a blast! I sure hope you took the opportunity to go tubing down Skyline! I love reading Mom and Dads take on the week it always cracks me up! Dad loved the pictures! 

To answer Mom´s question as to what did I learn this week- When evacuating a car double check that it is in park. Let me explain. I went on exchanges again this week, and while in Dorego I heard lots of screaming and yelling and turned to see a frantic taxi driver chasing down his empty car. Luckily his window was down and was able to put his emergency brake to good use as he jumped halfway through the window with legs flailing!! It was hilarious! 

Speaking of this exchange, I worked with Sister Anderson. Turns out she knows Brother and Sister Reed really well. Let them know she is a super dedicated missionary and is doing great! 

Transfer calls came this morning and all Hna. Adorno´s bags are packed and she flies off to Buenos Aires tomorrow which blows my mind. I get to pick up my brand new missionary on Wednesday. Which was surprising to me because only 5 new sisters are coming in. But rumor has it that some sisters are coming from the US and that my companion from the MTC is one of them!! I am so excited to see her!!

Today we had a couple difficult days, but at the end of the day there were always miracles! One of them, finally finding L...... I talk to just about everyone but there are always certain people who you know you should be talking to. L.... was one of them. We had a really powerful conversation on the street but for multiple reasons her house is extremely difficult to get to. I have some great stories to tell but don´t have nearly enough time to tell them. After specific prayers we were able to find her and now we see her all the time and every time she see´s us she tells us about what she is reading in the Book of Mormon. What a gem!

We had more then a 100 people in church this week. Which exceeded the bishops goal by quite a  few! Elder M..... said the opening prayer which included that people would continue to make it to church and people kept sneaking in the back. I love Sundays so very much! 

The gospel is true!

Life is wonderful!

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