Monday, October 14, 2013

Arrepentios extremos de GODOY CRUZ!!


Today is another feriado (or Holiday) and so we took the liberty of doing some church tours with people who work all the time on their day off, but consequently everything was pushed back and will be short today. I have yet to have a recorrido that didn´t result in a baptismal date. 

The highlight of this week was teaching a missionary prep institute class. This work is hastening!! First off we had a very successful day grabbed a taxi and headed way far out to Mendoza Centro when we entered the taxi and I asked my companion if she had money. Her face fell and she asked me what we should do. I told her to pray and things took care of themselves. We arived only 5 minutes late (super good for South American Standard time) and taught mostly converts who now are in the process of putting in papers and loads of future sister  missionaries. Hna. Rostelli hadn´t told us what to prepare but there is something about being in a consecrated building full of people eager to learn that makes teaching by the spirit comes so naturally. The spirit was strong and the nice thing about teaching mission prep. outside of Utah is we were able to hit the streets with the class and could get tons of referals for the missionaries serving in that area and of course were able to share the miracles that come with taking the step of faith of opening your mouth. 

Sunday was a pretty awesome highlight too. We only had one investigator come but had lots of less actives. A couple that hadn´t been to church in a long time. 

I cannot believe transfers are next week! The time flies!! Only 4 sisters are coming so odds are that I will finish the training of Hna. Rodriguez. 

I feel like things that are difficult for lots of missionaries came fairly naturally for me. From day one I was never nervous to talk to random strangers (I don´t know what that says about your parenting style. jk.) And the missionary schedule has never been difficult to follow but things like updating the area book, and making an accurate registro (not quite sure what the word is... account?) has always been difficult. And now my focus for next transfer to better.

This week was wicked awesome! We had tons of lesson with members. And hoping to do better next week. 

Hannah, mira voz!!  I am so proud of you!! Make sure the missionaries understand the importance of our reference and hold them to their potencial.

I cannot believe Alyssa and Joe are married!! That blows my mind. I am still waiting for Covey and Annies announcment.... =) JK

Gotta run! With transfers coming and all the office Elders changing I have got to own up to my bets which means loads of no bake cookies.... 

Love you lots!! Pray a lot!!

Hna. Hill

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