Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Guatita llena, corazon contenta

Dear Family!!

Why didn´t you tell me I had to have a birthday to receive letters from ya all? Just kidding, but thank you for all your birthday wishes. I love you all and I am having one of the funnest birthdays I have ever had! All the sisters in my pencion woke me up at midnight and sang to me ¨mañanitas¨ and gave a full cake. Best day EVER!!! It was drenched in Dulce de Leche. AKA my life is complete! Don´t think I will ever come back to the US for my birthday! Birthdays are a way bigger deal here then it ever was in the states. 

This week was full of ups and downs. A new sister came from Guatemala and so changes were made and Hna. Ruiz was sent to San Rafael and is now with my companion from the MTC. Crazy!

I also went to central and bought new shoes (yes they sell the size GIANT in Mendoza!) and my whole life has changed! Who knew new shoes would make your life so much better.

No one was at church on Sunday. It was slightly embarrassing when we walked in with investigators and there was no one to say ¨welcome¨. But that will change. It has to change, because we cannot do our work without the help of the members. So this week President clarified a rule today which has really changed the work. Previously we could teach men from the door or if there was a women in the house teach inside the house. Now we cannot even teach a man in a park unless we have someone with us over the age of 18 of our same gender.  There was a day where we had to cancel 5 appointments, because members canceled. It really got to me because I came to share my testimony of what I know to be the restauration of the gospel of Jesus Christ and I could not. One of these people is J.... and had come to the chruch with his book of mormon and a list of questions from his reading. One of them being ¨I read that you do not baptize infants, does this mean I can see my baby sister again.¨ And what did I do? I had to tell him I couldn´t teach him and to come again on tuesday. And I slipped in a testimony or two. But it broke my heart. 

Also I told you that we split the area. One day was a rough day and we were walking a member back to her house after our lesson with her and some investigators. And as we crossed this new barrier we randomly crossed paths with 3 of our investigators who all asked why we hadn´t stopped by. It was so hard to explain and see that there were people in that area wanting to hear the gospel but walk back to an area where we are still trying to find people to teach.

But this week was also loaded with some of the most powerful lessons I have been part of. I am so lucky to be in Godoy Cruz! 

I have got to run and save the country! Have a great week. If you have any ideas to increase the member and missionary relationship PLEASE send it my way. 

Love you all!


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