Monday, January 13, 2014

Speak Well and Be Heard

Dear Family,
Transfer calls came last night and I AM GOING TO.... stay!! I am so excited! And better yet, I am staying with Hna. Sorensen. So that is awesome!! Lots of new sisters came into the zone so the only thing that will really change is a lot more exchanges.
Speaking of exchanges I had an awesome exchange this week and I taught a lesson in English! She was from the Czech Republic!! I thought of you Hannah! But sad day, because when I found out her orgin I immediately wanted to speak to her in Czech and couldn´t remember a single word. Literally, not a single world. Clearly your language lessons late into the night right after you got home were wasted. Sorry! We found some solid investigators and at the end of the day I was slightly disappointed I couldn´t be there to teach them the rest of the transfer. We are teaching an older couple in my area who had some children living in the Area of the sisters of the exchange, and when we went to contact them it turned out E..... (the older lady) was at her daughters house. The whole family listened and I am waiting for the Hermanas to get to the cyber to see if they came to church. But they are golden!!
This week I saw some interesting things. And at one point during the week I analysed some of the situations I had witnessed and began to fear a little bit for the future. How in the world am I going to raise children in this world? It just seems as though the adversary has such a powerful influence. It just breaks my heart to see all of these broken families. But as I was in the middle of thinking of all the difficulties that the families face I was filled with peace knowing that we have the solution to the almost impossible problem. We have the gospel of Jesus Christ. How grateful I am that the atonement is infinite and eternal. That we have the promise that if we build our ourselves, and our family on the foundation of Christ we will overcome all. (Helamen 5:12, 3 Nephi 18:12-13, 1 Nephi 13) We are so lucky that we have this crucial key to the plan, where so many people do not. No need to fear, when we are full of faith in Jesus Christ and His atonement.
Les quiero!
The gospel is true,
Life is wonderful!

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