Thursday, January 30, 2014

Skills that pay the bills 2

Dear Family,

 I was so caught up in answering questions that I didn´t even explain my subject. So here in Argentina I am amazed by the transportation. For example yesterday there was a Father peddling a bike with the mother on the handlebars holding two children! Last week was my favorite though. I saw  a family of four on 1 motorcycle with the Father holding the stroller in one hand. Okay and that was tied with the family on the motorcycle where the mother was nursing... I still am amazed.  

Mom... I was going to avoid it all together but you directly asked me the question. I feel awful for telling you, but the package made it to Buenos Aires and then called saying there was complication and then it disappeared. I am so sorry Mom! But it is the thought that counts! Christmas was amazing anyways, I didn´t need the package. And plus, you finished my wedding quilt last week!! You should hide it away so I don´t see it until I am married .I would say you would be trying to hint at something but then again Jordans has been finished for how many years? Jordan, I am praying for you bro! Speaking of marriage!! ROSIE CONGRATULATIONS!!! YOU ARE ENGAGED!!!  

And Maddy, congrats! I miss dancing around the kitchen with you. But looks like it paid off. Way to get a gold medal!! And Mom told me you were drooling! GROSS!

 This week was amazing! We hit a my record with lessons with member a present this week. And even better is that it involved 13 different members. We are doing awesome here in San Rafael. Hna. Sorensen is the best!! And yes, mom, we have already discussed roommate plans. We would destroy in intramural sports. We live about 5 blocks from the church and we look hilarious running to the church every morning with our soccer ball (yes seth, it is MY soccer ball) and a basketball. I am still awful at soccer, but have noted some progress.  

Last night I think I had my favorite lesson I have ever had on my mission. The member we took was well prepared for what we would be teaching, he is also awesome (returned missionary, elders quorum president) the family has a desire to learn ( had completed their reading assignment), we had prayerfully taken the sacrament that day and understood the eternal goal and blessings it would bring to the family. It was so powerful. We used many scriptures and ideas were used that we had not planned and was led so clearly by the spirit. We left, after the oldest son prayed for the first time after being called on by the head of the houshold. He prayed for us, and his family to take the steps towards baptism. We left and the member was pumped. We got some good referrals with him, and had another PEPO with him for the Family I. All in all I arrived home with a heart full of gratitude for the miracles that God places in our lives, and exhausted. Missionary work is the best, despite its difficulties. We planned hard for the following day. And I am excited for this following week.  

I wanted to mention Glorita, and Jessica, but maybe the story next week will be even better with their progress.  

I love you guys lots!  

Life is good! We are doing awesome! (and we had a cold storm this week that took the weather from 110 to high 60 and 70. I love my life!! 

Hna. Hill 


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