Monday, January 6, 2014

Feliz Año nuevo!


I decided to back up all my photos and I don´t know why but everyone is talking to me in the Cyber today so I wasted lots of time. Funny how computer time has changed from your first day in the mission to now. 

But this week was awesome. I had some super powerful experiences. Number 1. I went to Mendoza and was surprised to greet Presidente Avila with a cane. He broke his ankle over the holidays. You could tell he was in lots of pain as he talked to us. During the meeting my pen I was taking notes fell onto the ground and not wanting to interrupt I simply took out another one to continue taking notes. As soon as the assistance's were done President stood with much pain, he slowly made the way to the front where I was sitting and with much effort and the pain that was evident in his locked jaw and the wincing of his eyes found my pen on the ground and returned it to me. I am fairly stubborn and have never been one to allow others to help me and as I apologized to President he interrupted me and in front of the 30 missionaries said, ¨No, Hermana Hill thank you for the opportunity you gave me to serve you.¨ I was sincerely touched at the simple act of tenderness and new that this man of God would and has taken equal care of each of his missionaries. It was an incredible example of the Savior who is willing to show the love for the 99 by demonstrating the love for the 1. How the atonement is a one by one experience. How we too must remember the needs on the individual level and regardless of our sacrifice show that we are first witnesses of our Savior, Jesus Christ. 

Number 2. Y. hasn´t smoked in 13 days!!! We had an awesome lesson with her on Saturday where she brought out her doubts and fears of taking the step of baptism. She said she just needs another confirmation that this church is true. I have felt the spirit directing me before in lessons but the words were exact at what was supposed to be asked. I asked if she had faith in Jesus Christ. Then the baptismal questions followed. The spirit was strong. And after explaining the baptismal covenant she still explained her fear. I surprised by hearing myself say that as a representative of Jesus Christ she would receive her confirmation that she needed to take this step the following day during testimony meeting. She explained she was coming and then I asked her to demonstrate her faith by baring her testimony in front of the ward once she received her confirmation. She accepted. We promised blessings and testified and we started to fast. The next Sunday we got there early and I played prelude. The spirit was strong and about 20 minutes in Y. stood up and walked to the front. I couldn't help but cry as she first thanked everyone for welcoming her and she concluded with the phrase, ´´And I too, would like to add my testimony, that I know this church is true.¨ 

You have to love it when the investigator has announces their own baptism. She has been on fire ever since. During Relief Society visiting teaching was taught and she bajó la caña (or reprimanded) the ward as she said that the lack of visiting teaching demonstrates a lack of love for God and commitment to the truth. I guess that's what happens when you are a lawyer. She is great! She will be a leader for the rest of her life! The ward is super pumped and starting to give us lots of references. The only problem is that of the 12 people we have received 10 of them are in the Elders area, but I love San Rafael. I cannot believe that we are in the last week of the transfer. I just hope that Hna. Sorensen and I will be able to work another 6 weeks together. 

Love you all! Only 3 packages came in for the whole mission for Christmas still. Last time they had a backup like this in Buenos Aires they just ended up burning all the mail which I think is hilarious. My companion was horrified. Haha! Oh I love my life! And I love you!!

Have a good week! I am glad you are doing better Mom! Prayers are answered and I have been sending many of them to Utah!

The Gospel is true.
Life is wonderful!

Hna. Hill

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