Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Sleep tight! Don't let the bed bugs bite! (Cause it is the worst!!)

Dearest Family!!

Where to begin!! Well this week has been an adventure. So I thought I was being destroyed and attacked by mosquitoes these last couple weeks but after talking to an investigators neighbor we were warned about bed bugs that they informed us that their neighbors had. Long story short (cut out for the sake of Emily) we found the nasty blood suckers where I sleep ( I can't really call it a bed). We are living in a members house and I felt awful and if you also remember last week was exchanges... Yes I thought it was hilarious too. Needless to say everyone in the mission office knows me very well. My house got treated and mission was adamant about clearing the problem before transfers, which I was not sure why because I am still being trained and fully expected to be staying in Greeley for the next transfer.
Well if you couldn't read into my foreshadowing of the previous paragraph, I received the news on Saturday night that early Monday morning I would be leaving Hna Jarvis and heading to Longmont. It broke my little heart. It is amazing how attached I had gotten to this branch and my investigators this transfer. I couldn't believe that they would make me leave. We are thriving right now. I was hoping to see 9 investigators enter the waters of baptism, there is a wedding next weekend. The branch has opened their hearts and homes to me and we have been getting GOOD referrals from everyone in the ward. It was hard to sleep Saturday night and my long Sunday morning prayer was interrupted by Hna. Jarvis throwing the phone at me and telling me Hno. B was on the phone. He told me he found out I was leaving and asked me to speak one last time. This means I have spoke every other week in church.... It is funny how even in the last 6 weeks my perspective of missionary work has changed. First week I was terrified. This past week I prayed hard during the sacrament and stood only with my scriptures. Hno. B told the whole branch I was leaving and as I stood and looked at the 50ish people in the room.... Ah man.. Words cannot even describe. I love these people so much!
I am so touched by how open their hearts are. I walk into a home and the children without any direction from father or mother ask if their is anything they can get for me, water, soda, or jugo? They talk so openly and freely share all that is theirs.  We had a branch BBQ on Saturday and I had a long talk with Pato and I was showing him how great this culture was. He is from Bolivia and he told me that he left Bolivia so he could come here to build Zion. He wanted to come to Prophet Josephs country where he had heard stories of dedicated pioneers. He said that his first week in church in Utah not a single person welcomed him. He then motioned to these people all laughing and said. This is the culture of God. He is right and we I never plan on forgetting it.
I will always love that branch but I am so excited to be in Longmont. We were swept in and it is weird starting out with no investigators well and actually not knowing any ward members either. But I am excited. My companion reminds me of Jordan, needless to say, we will have a blast!
Oh Jordan... I have a story for you. We meet with this very friendly older man. He saw us walking to his house and came outside to greet us. We brought a member and he greeted him exuberantly. He then met my companion with much a hug and kiss on the cheek. I firmly stuck out my hand leaving plenty of space between us. He then joyfully exclaimed "Saludame!!" and instead taking my hand as I fully expected he welcomed me with a long kiss. My reaction must have scared him away because he now just gives me a handshake...
I got a letter today telling me they are still working on my VISA. I am officially in the Fort Collins mission. I am going to serve 3 different missions!! How cool am I!! The ward I am currently in is both English and Spanish. I was told I will be translating on Sunday. Looks like I will be speaking every Sunday!! JK.
Love you lots! Can't believe you guys are leaving for Peru in a couple weeks. I fully expect you to come visit me in Argentina if you plan on visiting RYAN!!! JK.
Love you lots!
Hna. Hill

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