Tuesday, April 15, 2014

I´m Ancient...

Dear Family, 

Today I opened my email, wrote a quick email and then saw that I had received my Trunky papers. Sigh.... Why is time going by so quickly?!?!? Dad, are you coming to back home to Argentina when I end my mission or are we coming back together when the Cordoba temple is dedicated? (Please note that Sí o sí vas a regresar conmigo). Is the Stake President still the same? What is his email address?

This week was crazy!! I cannot believe it has only been a week! We had a way awesome Zone Meeting last week. Hna. Cooley didn´t have much time to prepare but the spirit was so strong! It was a good way to end my time in San Rafael. I didn´t say goodbye to hardly anybody. Not even all of the recent converts, but didn´t feel like it was necessary. I still miss San Rafael a lot though. But even more then I miss San Rafy, I love chimbas. I love Sister Sagers so much! She is an amazing missionary she is also very profound and I feel like everyday is very edifying. And I don´t mind that she laughs at everything I do. Makes me feel super funny.

This week there was a day that was really long. We didn´t get into any houses. Just rejection after rejection. We talked to everyone and their dog (quite literally, Hna. Sagers has this thing for those really ugly small dogs that do nothing but bark and pee, and as you know quite well, I am more of the giant dog type, and it is a great way to start a conversation) With the owner of course.... We got shut down at one house with a giant Rottweiler, but they gave us a reference of a young couple down the street. We ended up teaching them later that night. Jordan, you once asked me if I felt the presence of my Mom on my mission. I have from time to time. But during this lesson I felt her so strong. I could barely keep myself from crying during the whole lesson. We sat across from a couple that had been married for 2.5 years above their heads was a picture from their wedding where their joy was evident but the husband after fighting cancer  for the last 2 years had changed a lot in appearance but still had the same hope in his eyes and it was evident that the two years of struggle had brought them closer together then further apart. My heart went our to the young couple as it hit close to home, particularly this time of year but also I fully remembered that this next week also includes Easter with the promise to those who are true and faithful will be fully healed, spiritually, and physically. And even though I could not promise this young couple that they would be able to stay that much longer in this life. I could, with power from my own testimony and that of my Mom, that they could be together for eternity if they allowed Christ to spiritually heal their hearts. 

The gospel is true.
Life is wonderful!

Love Hna. Hill

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