Tuesday, April 1, 2014

O be wise, what can I say more


First off, Mom, remind Jordan to answer my email of this week!! Thanks!

This week was awesome! I believe I worked smarter this week then I have so far on my mission. That has been my focus this tansfer. That and recognize that all of these little goals are really for the purpose of helping families to be together forever. It is so much better to teach families instead of just people. 

This week we had an attendence of 63 people at our baptizm on Saturday. We had 2 different recent converts perform most baptisms and they brought lots of family and we were able to contact lots of references and pass a lot on from other missionaries that were there.

I had a really sweet experience. Elder Martinez baptized Veronica but she started to cry before entering the water. She got really scared and Elder M. had no idea what to do.I knelt down on the top stair and asked if she wanted to pray. Elder Martinez said one of the most powerful prayers I have heard and she boldly took steps of faith, I don´t think I have ever seen someone that happy come out of the water. Her Mom was so excited as well! Families, they are wonderful!

I was also able to stand with Hna. R....... as she watched her oldest son baptize F.and A...... It was powerful. I could feel so strongly this mothers desire for her children to walk in truth and the joy knowing that her 17 year old son had made a 180 degree turn and was now worthy to baptize someone which made their goal of going to the temple in July that much more possible. 

There were lots of highlights of this week. I had an awesome intercambio in Ballofett. I am impressed with the calaber of new sister missionaries that are coming in. When does Kaylee Hill come to Argentina? 

Oh and I got letters from the Zundel family this week. My district leader Elder Stocks, gave them to me and says to say ´´Hi´´. Heidi, I need your mission email, so I can answer all your questions. 

Love you all! And for those who are Philly, enjoy.Sorry, I am not there to make the Panini´s.

Love you all!


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