Monday, April 28, 2014

Amanda's Letter

I wanted to use the subject ´´Even falling on your face is a step forward´´ but felt like the other was a little more inspiring!

I wrote lots of emails this morning and now I don´t have nearly as much time as I hoped to tell you about how awesome this week was. And it just gets better! I woke up this morning at 6 to a text from E..... sincerely apologizing for not coming to church yesterday and that she promised she would go to sleep earlier so that she could fulfill her commitment to us the following week. (got to love texts like that) We also live above a bakery so I get to wake up every morning to the smell of freshly baking croissants. Though a blessing it is also a curse. Its like when you walk through the mall and come across the pretzel store and you know its a waste of money and time but your mouth starts to water and it looks really tempting. It is a good thing I am learning lots of self control on my mission. It has been said, you cannot say ´´Lord, I am your servant´´ until you can say ´´I am the master of my soul´.

Well this Saturday Hna. Sagers and I sat down at a plaza to start our fast when some kids playing soccer over shot the goal and I ran over to kick back the ball. I looked at my companion and she yelled ´´Fine, 5 minutes´´ with her permission I decided to show up the 13 year old with my mad goalie skills. I dropped by bag next to the goal post and I am proud to say that not a single goal was made and got three different houses who the boys said had just had baby´s (one of the best way to get referrals because they KNOW everyone and will tell you where everyone lives) I ran back to the bench and we started our fast. I was excited for the day we had 3 solid lessons in a row and all with different members. I opened my bag and my heart sunk when I realized that the phone had disappeared and when I looked to the kids playing soccer they had all magically disappeared. Mad that the phone had gotten stolen I was determined to get it back. So something you should know about Argentina. Just about everyone sleeps siesta in San Juan. Only people from about 7-22 are awake. And because the police generally take their nap too it is a perfect time for..... well, no good.
I walked over to one of the older groups who were smoking, I am not quite sure what and asked if they knew where the kids lived and explained that they had just stolen my phone. I loved one of the guys response ´´Are you serious? Kids these days!´´ but they were so nice! One whistled a guy on a bike and in the space of about 3 minutes they had gathered all the kids together and told them they needed to give our phone back NOW or else.... One kid told us what house to go to and the whole clan came with us to knock and ask for Fede. He quickly returned the phone!  It was awesome. It made me think twice about the labels we put on people. The whole experience was super funny. 

Had an awesome exchange this week. I went to Pocito which is in the middle of NOWHERE! I did not get a single rejection the whole time we were there. The people were so humble and willing to change. That is what I thought missionary work was like and always imagined myself in that kind of pueblo but I have grown to love cities as well. Well I should say I am growing to love them. 

We got an awesome new ward mission leader this week and I am super excited for the fire he will bring. But I have a feeling I would be able to stay in Rivadavia for very long. But long enough to get the work pumping. 

We went to Ullum last P-day. I have some super funny pictures of me frolicking in the flowers and me being me but they are all on Hna. Sorensens camera, and I still wish to get married someday, so for now these pictures will have to suffice!

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